Cataclysm: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #3 Review

Cataclysm: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #3 Review

Publisher: Marvel Comics
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Art: Dave Marquez
Colors: Justin Ponsor
Letters: VC’s Cory Petit
Cover: Dave Marquez & Rainier Beredo

Review by Scott Keys

Cataclysm: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #3 is the final issue of this mini, but definitely not the end of Cataclysm. What could possibly happen after last issue’s big reveal?

Bendis, Marquez, and Ponsor give us another emotionally gripping, and action packed issue of Ultimate Spider-Man, including a scene were Miles’ dad seems to abandon his son at the end of the world! Of course, Miles and his cohorts continue the rescue mission after a plane crashed, with none other than JJJ on the plane. Cloak and Dagger were busy getting people to the hospital as Spidey and Jessica were getting people out of harm’s way. Let’s not forget Bombshell’s last minute save of Miles and JJJ, solidifying her status as a hero. We’re left with the lasting image of Miles looking toward the giant Galactus! Will this be the end of our Ultimate heroes?

Sometimes I hate Bendis’ writing, because it gets me so danged emotional. He does a brilliant job of making us care for these characters as if they were truly real. But let’s not take away from the art team either! The sequence where you see Miles’ dad come to grips with what was happening and what his son is, really needed no dialogue. You were able to “read” everything on the character’s face, and it was truly moving.

Cataclysm: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #3 is simply one of the best books on the racks, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for young Miles!

Art: 5 / 5
Story: 4.5 / 5
Overall: 4.5 / 5

Scott Keys is a father, Butler University grad, pharmacist, and full-time comic nerd. You can follow his adventures around the spinner-rack and his Incoherent Comic Book Ramblings on:

Twitter: @Like_car_Keys

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