DOOM (Louisville) vs FLASH (North Carolina A&T)

Doom was having an intense feeling of déjà vu as a scarlet flash streaks across his field of vision.

“Once again Doom finds himself battling in inane combat against unworthy adversaries in a ridiculous tournament, designed to fulfill the trivial whims of powerful extra-dimensional denizens.”**

Doom shot out a blast of eldritch energy that hit nothing but empty air and sensitive lab equipment.

“If this is so beneath you, why not give up metal breath?” quipped the fastest man alive as he slams futile punches against Doom’s force field.  “You’ll never hit me.  I could run circles around you all day!”

As if to illustrate the point, the Flash began running in a tight circle around the perimeter of Doom’s protective barrier.  The air began following the currents left in the Flash’s wake and a vortex began to form above Doom.

“He is attempting to create a tornado,” thought Doom, “How paltry.”

Doom snickered and began chanting a mystic incantation.  As Doom’s hands weaved practiced patterns through the air, time slowed to a crawl.  The Flash found his speed, his only advantage against the likes of Doom, was taken away as the armored figure finished his spell.

Doom produced his “broom handle” Mouser from his holster and shot the Flash in both of his knees.

The Flash cried out in pain.

“This Speed Force you possess requires further study.  That is the only reason you are still alive.”  Doom imprisons the Flash and then checks his computer.  His next adversary will be the Green Arrow.

“This is beneath Doom.”

** the extra-dimensional denizens Doom speaks of are Drunk on Comics.  Another, slightly lesser known being was the Beyonder during the Secret Wars-D.O.C.

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