Episode019: One shot and metamucil a day to keep old age at bay


Derek, Tony and Matt bring another episode for your listening pleasure.  We kick off with some reviews of Minimum Carnage #1 followed up by Derek letting us know what is in store for Daredevil in Daredevil End of Days #1.  We then all add our thoughts to the ending of the AvX saga.  We talk about the best fights in AvX fight book #6.  Then we tie in both AvX #12 with Uncanny X-men #19 in our thoughts of the series and how it wrapped up.

We also weighed in our opinions of what Marvel might have coming down the future with some teaser posters and some small nuances out of the books that have “glimpses” of the future of the Marvel universe.

Something might be up on 10.11.12 in the Ridley Scott Universe, books are banned and Derek is happy the mouth breather Ben Affleck will not be back for another Daredevil movie.

Indy Turnpike had the beautifully drawn Robyn Hood #1, and Booze and a Book was Non-Humans paired with Bloody Beer from shorts.

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