Episode048: The More You Know


drunk-logoTony started out this podcast with his hope that Guardians of the Galaxy book won’t rewrite all continuity that the previous incarnations have established.  Derek surprisingly did not talk about Daredevil, but instead talked about his other favorite title, Uncanny X-men #5.  Kevin really didn’t review a book, but talked briefly about Hawkman #19.  He also helped Matt out with Helheim #2.

To quote some emo kid in a comic book store, Indie Turnpike this week was some book you probably never heard of.  But it is definitely worth checking out;  Especially for the art alone.  Our very own intern Jim has a comic book out called The Art of Guilt, and you can download it here for only a buck: The Art of Guilt

Unleashed #1 cover B by Jamie Tyndall was our pick for Best on Tap

Booze and a Book was Toxic sludge paired with Deathmatch #5.

Matt also talked about the Iron Man book that the American Welding Society gives out to kids to to teach them about the many different types of welding.  It has now inspired Tony to become Iron Man and start building a suit.  (we fear for the safety of his neighborhood)

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