Drunk on Comics Podcast 158: Mental Organism Designed Only for Komics


Drunk on Comics Podcast 158: Mental Organism Designed Only for Komics

In the history of D.O.C. we have never had more than four people. Hell, we barely can get 3 people to head tot he studio. But this week, we had 5. So lots of books to discuss.

First off, Matt loved the bizarre writing in Bizarro #2. His cross country antics are Boo-Ray. New Derek went on a tangent (as well as everyone else) with M.O.D.O.K. Assassin #2. Linz picked up the new book from Grant Morrison in 18 days. She may or may not have summoned the Necronomicon while reviewing her book. Derek talked about 8house: Arclight #1, and the visuals were popping off the page. Along with a tree creature and what could be futuristic, it has the group asking questions and wanting to know more. Tony wasn’t monkeying around when he reviewed The Humans #6. His take on this series is exactly how it is; way adult in content of Ape Biker Gangs.

Indie Turnpike is the future war with the country to the North in We Stand on Guard #1.

Booze and a Book had our annual drink of a Rocket Pop Shot aka a Captain America Shot paired with Captain America #109 to go along with Independence Day

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