Drunk on Comics Podcast 159: Live from the Drunken Nation of Curacao


Drunk on Comics Podcast 159: Live from the Drunken Nation of Curacao

Tony, Matt, Linz and Derek set up shop this weekend at GR8bit. While they were there selling some flasks, they had fun playing videogames, listening to game inspired bands, and goofing off in the vendor hall. It was one of their most fun smaller cons that they have attended. But they still had some time to record this weeks podcast.

Linz, who was the only one smart enough to remember to bring her books, talked about Descender #5. This robotic adventure just got more intriguing with the mystery of who really made the plans and designs of the robots of this world. Derek really didn’t get to review a book since, it turned into 20 questions about the world in which Marvel’s 1872 was set, but he was able to fill in the gaps of this random book tied into the Secret Wars event.

Tony spoke of one of the best stories to be featured in the Secret Wars event, which is Civil War #1. The great divide between the Red and Blue, plus the mystery of who is keeping this feud running is a great take on this most epic of past marvel events. Matt decided since he was at a videogame convention, that he would review some old games he liked while growing up. More specifically, the Marvel games created for most of the consoles which brought back memories for all the members present.

Indie Turnpike was the war on social media and tech in The Tomorrows #1

Booze and a Book was videogame inspired with Sonic the Hedgehog #274 (which is in the midst of the crossover event with Mega Man). Since this book had 2 predominate videogame characters, Tony gave 2 different alcoholic drinks to celebrate each. First is a Sonic the Hedgehog, which is 1 part grenadine, 2 parts mint schnapps, and 4 parts Blue Curacao, slowly poured into a glass in that order. The second drink is the X-buster, which is 1oz gin, 1 oz Blue Curacao, Lemon-Lime soda, and a cherry for added looks.

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