Drunk on Comics Podcast 322: I Heart Door Knockers?


Drunk on Comics Podcast 322: I Heart Door Knockers?

Linz and Tony had a blast this week recording.   And although things are great on their front, they started the show talking about the loss of Anthony Bourdain.  Although is was best known for his travel and food  talking about the actual shows, he actually wanted to get into comics.   So the duo discussed some of that as well as the another life taken to soon.

But then they got into the good stuff with some comic book reviews.   Tony quickly reviewed a ton of the “reboot” of Marvel’s Fresh Start books.   Tony was happy to find out that they were not rehashes of origin stories, and the fresh start actually seems to be a better way than restarting all the series.   Although the group hates renumbering at #1, these books are definitely a great place to start in the Marvel universe.

They also talked about some new problems in the Fox/Disney deal.   Hopefully things will work out so that the MCU can get all properties under one umbrella.   Also, some person has been rewarded for seeing Infinity War so much with premier tickets to Avengers 4.

Booze and a Book was more like boozes and books with the beers of the Fresh Start brand from Eastbound Brewing Company paired with all the new “fresh start” books.  Since there is a variety of this beer, it pairs perfectly with the variety of new books out from Marvel.

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