Drunk on Comics Podcast 487: It Ended At The End


Tony and Linz were on top of their games the past week, having read multiple books to review. Some of which were Godzilla Vs Power Rangers #1. The in story reason why this crossover is happenign makes sense and it was a good start to what seems like an overall great story. Peach Momoko had another issue of here reimmagining of the Mavel Universe in Demon Days: Blood Fued #1. Rogues #1 from DC’s Black Label was such a fun and interesting take on the low level badguys and what it would be like if they grew old. And what Tony says is one of the best stories he has read in a while, We Have Demons #1. He found out that this 3 part series actually came out in digital form a few months ago, but is just now hitting comic book shelves. Pick it up and you will not be let down with the twists and turns.

And of course there was some news. The duo weighed in on the slap heard around the world. There was also some discussion of the fan vote categories, and how Snyder cult really are the worst. They also had some predictions of Moon Knight, as this was recorded before the first episode. All this and more in this episode of D.O.C.

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