Deadpool (Mephis) vs Deathstroke (Michigan St)

Due to an ongoing battle of copyright infringements, Deadpool Vs Deathstroke cannot be discussed at this time.

Sure the two are both mercenaries who are really good at their job.  Sure both use an arsenal of both bladed and ballistic weapons.  But when you really look at the heart of these two, sometimes villians sometimes anti-heroes, you will find that they have to radically different personalities.  Like the fact that Deathstroke is a stone cold ex-military commando who has a complex relationship with his children and Deadpool is crazier than a sack of ferrets who have gone bat-shit crazy.

While Deathstroke has been around since 1980 and Deadpool only since 1991, we might conclude that Deathstroke is the clear winner, but with Deadpool’s crazy popularity and multiple titles and cameos in his comic universe one could argue he is the better known mercenary.

But ultimately Deadpool loses his match to Deathstroke because the Merc with a Mouth decides he wants to pursue a career as a cosmetologist… What?  It’s harder than it looks!

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